MOSNOW Monuments canrepair and restore monuments, memorials and plaques years after being subjected to the natural elements.
Monuments and gilded lettering are designed to last, but atmospheric conditions and occasional accidents can adversely affect your family’s memorial. The team at MOSNOW Monuments offer a hassle-free restoration experience, with services including:
Regilding lettering in either Gold leaf (or in coloured paint)
Repairing chipped monuments
Repairing raised lead lettering,
Refurbishing older plaques that have developed a green tinge, returning them looking clean and new
High pressure washing
We had to replace the front of this monument with a matching piece of granite and redo the inscriptions.
We replaced the chip top with new ledgers, at the same time we had to straighten the side kerbs which had sunk over time.
A really good wash and a regild made the inscriptions legible again.